Custom build example - Athletic statues


Athletic statues are the ultimate way to remember and memorialize someone in your life or the life of an organization and/or community. A high quality statue doesn’t have to be a tens of thousands of dollars or be a recognized, world-class star either.

At we typically start with a picture, drawing or sketch. We develop a mock-up based on physical requirements and raw materials that might be necessary to produce it. Then we will price it accordingly , at a fraction of the cost of any other supplier. The process is unique and is accessible by anyone these days.

So be sure to keep in mind one of the ultimate ways to remember any athlete or represent a symbolic athletic program, such as native american lacrosse scene. Many like (our owners) like to remember their own little ones playing flag football. A custom bronze statue will keep those memories alive in the garden decades after the ‘little ones’ have grown up and had ‘little ones’ of their own.

Call or email today. We are happy to consult free of charge with no commitment and bring your idea into reality.

Disclaimer: The photos used in this blog are for educational and illustrative purposes only. The Pat Tillman Foundation and Arizona Cardinals do not endorse and are not associated with Further, did not produce the specific statue shown and makes no claim to it in any way.