30-50 Foot Custom Statues - Considerations

Not long ago, Statuemaker.us was contacted by a client from South Carolina inquiring about a statue that would potentially reach 30-50 feet in height.

When considering a statue of this size, there are a few considerations to be made. Aside from obvious consideration like the permanent location of a statue of this size, other decisions factor in, like materials, how it should be constructed and the logistics of installation.

Again, without going into excruciating detail, for this client we outlined the general suggestions to initiate such a custom statue project. Namely, consider marble as the material. It can be built in segments then reinforced with stainless steel rods and finally cemented together. Statuemaker.us would provide a crane to affix the custom statue sections as well as on-site engineers.

Want to know more? Contact us with your idea of a custom made statue!